What Does IMO Mean? | eHow 行動版 - ... the meaning of "IMO" varies. However, there is a definition that IMO is most often associated with.
What does IMO mean? - IMO Definition - Meaning of IMO - InternetSlang.com This Internet Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of IMO is. The slang word / acronym / abbreviation IMO means... . Internet Slang. A list of common slang words, acronyms and abbreviations as used in websites, ICQ chat rooms, blogs, SMS, an
What does IMO stand for? - All Acronyms Dictionary 156 meanings of IMO acronym and IMO abbreviation. Get the definition of IMO by All Acronyms dictionary. Top Definition: International Maritime Organization. ... Most Popular APA All Acronyms. 2015. IMO. Retrieved April 10, 2015, from http://www.allacronym
What does IMO stand for? - Abbreviations.com Looking for the definition of IMO? Find out what is the full meaning of IMO on Abbreviations.com! The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. ... Still can't find the acronym definition you were looking for? Use our Power
What Is 'IMHO'? What Does IMHO Mean? - A Beginner's Guide to the Internet You see the expression "IMHO" in online conversations. But what exactly does IMHO mean? About.com explains... ... Answer: "IMHO" is "In My Humble Opinion". This expression is used to demonstrate humility while simultaneously making a suggestion or ...
what does tail shaking mean? - The Cat Site - everything about cats, cat behavior, care, bree My old cat never did this so I have no idea what it means... Maki shakes her tail like a rattlesnake pretty often. She does it often when we pet her but she does it as...
What Does it Mean to Be Humble? | eHow - eHow | How to - Discover the expert in you! When you see someone who seems to exist for the sole purpose to care for and be kind to others, or someone who gives up things so another person can have a necessity they lack, the word that comes to mind is humility. A humble individual does things witho
What does "IMO" stand for? I'm not good with all this texting ... 2008年2月22日 - What does "IMO" stand for? I'm not good with all this ... IMO means, In My Opinion IMHO means, In My Humble Opinion. MsAdventure · 7 years ...